Children, especially when they are young, trust their parents and relatives unconditionally. Any data that reaches them from a loved one is used to build a knowledge base and they don’t have any doubt about it. That is why I would like to pay attention to what they are being told. This article does not apply to teenagers, as they are usually in antagonistic emotion towards their parents and often do not agree with their beliefs. My point is the communication with the child started from an early age, as a baby, when he builds basic beliefs about himself and the world.
We easily agree with those we love. Sometimes we do not even consider the truth of the words but directly agree with the reality of others, which through consent becomes our reality. The reality we believe in determines our quality of life.
We are shaped and fashioned by what we love. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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Yes, we are shaped by what we have agreed is a fact and a reality for us.
Too often we don’t think about the beliefs we make children believe. Opinions such as “you have a headache because you didn’t go to bed early; you are not physically strong because you don’t eat; growing up is a painful process; you’re tired, etc.” are extremely dangerous for our children. We make them believe that they have a headache, for example, to convince them to go to bed early. This statement can become a certainty for them, which in turn can become a cause of psychosomatic illnesses.
Psycho – refers to the mind and somatic refers to the body. The term psychosomatic means that the mind causes a disease state of the body that becomes real to the body thanks to the mind.
The description of the cause and source of psychosomatic illnesses can be read in Dianetics.
It is up to us to keep our children energetic, healthy, and enthusiastic. Positive beliefs imply a better quality of life. In our hectic daily lives, perhaps what will help us reminding ourselves of the convictions we infuse our children every day is what the effect may be on them. It is better to communicate our ideas to them in a more positive way, for example: “If you eat, you will become even stronger. If you go to bed earlier, you will be even faster.
Learn more on the webinar How to raise children without clipping their wings?